Our Services are held each and every Sunday beginning at 9:30 am with fellowship afterwards. Everyone is welcome.

St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
388 William Street
Cobourg, ON
K9A 3A2

(905) 372-8110

Take a Look At Our "Stained Glass" Windows Here


This Faith Walk is demonstrative of Jesus' life of love and lessons in Christian living.

There are fourteen stations beginning with his birth and ending with his Resurrection.

Each stop has a biblical verse, a stone etching featuring a Doré Bible Illustration and is surrounded by plants which have a biblical meaning (either it is mentioned in the Bible or it has a nomenclature revelance) to that particular moment in Christian history.


After substantial planning and research by Rev. Dr. Kevin Fast and Gayle Leney in 2006, the garden started in the spring of 2007. Volunteers from the church completed the project after several months of work.

We wish to give special thanks to the following for their assistance with our project:

Faith Life Financial
Lutheran Church-Canada, East District Department for Outreach
Connon’s Nurseries (Trenton)
Vesey’s Bulbs, (Charlottetown, PEI)
Lorne Park Nursery (Colborne)
Bill & Patricia Branning (Cobourg)
Murray Davey (Cobourg)
Lorraine Heber (Desboro)









Whtie Crocus "Crocus vemus"

Centre Front Church (Garden)

White Angel Trumpets 'Datura' "Brugmansai candida"

Barberry "Berberis thunbergii " - represet thorns of crucifixion

Sage "Perovskia atriplicifolia" - Exodus 37:17

Sedum 'Brilliant' "Sedum spectabile" - represent aloes Proverbs 7:17

Not Shown:

3 White Trumpet Lilies "Lilium regale" - represent Triune God

All Doré Bible Illustrations Can Be Found Here